David L. Winters
Building a strong mental, physical, and spiritual foundation is the key to a happy and successful life. In this hauntingly honest book, David takes you through 31 lies that often trip up men. By studying the truth behind the lie and the consequences of ignoring God's way, Exercise Your Faith blazes a path through a sometimes-confusing culture to a meaningful and productive future.
David Bredeman fell asleep in church only to wake up to the call to stand. When he complied, church members swarmed him and began praying. He soon learned he'd volunteered for missions. Read about his incredible adventures in Peru and all the love he found there.
Is your career all you hoped it might be? Are you having trouble finding the motivation to succeed? Taking God to Work is a complete, Biblical study of work. Learn how to tap God's strength and love your customers through your job. Whether you need a fresh start or just fresh eyes for the jewels around you, this book will help. Thirteen chapters cover relevant topics and include personality profiles of successful Christians, as well as study questions for individuals and small groups.
In this Christian novel, Antonio tries to take care of his ride-share customers. Setting them at ease with his easy banner, he likes to think he's Taking God to Work. Then one dark night, a mysterious woman turns his world upside down when she confesses too much. She plunges Antonio into a world of espionage, murder and secrets. The hero and his brother must find the real killer before the Russian mob destroys everything they hold dear.
In his award-winning debut, David takes you behind the scenes in the busy Washington pressure cooker. After a number of serious health scares and panic attacks, he decides to quit his job and spend time with God. Learn how he beat anxiety and triumphantly returned to finish his career at the Department of Homeland Security. If you struggle with anxiety, David's journey offers several practical strategies for embracing God and leaving fear behind.
These five Christmas plays are perfect for your church, family or civic organization. The realistic characters and modern dilemmas will point your audience back to the simple answers of Scripture and the true meaning of the season.

Emalyn Martin charms her fans, but roils her competitors. When a bitter foe dies during a race, Emalyn is accused of murder. Her hunky Italian lawyer must prepare her defense while his firm's investigators look for other suspects. Can he keep her out of trouble and on the track while she seems to do everything possible to sabotage his efforts?