Are You Blooming?

About this time each year, I get impatient about Spring. The gloom of defoliated trees and cloudy skies has just about done me in. This morning, I took a walk around the neighborhood in search of exercise and the first glimmer of springtime hope.
In some ways, my life feels like the landscaped looked today. Gone are the days of abundant foliage and blossoming gardens. What remains are sturdy structures, devoid of beauty and energy. My knees even creaked a little as I climbed the large hill on my usual route.
When my walk mercifully ended and my tired body laid down for a brief rest, I looked up and saw an amazingly hopeful sign. Highlighted by the bright blue skies and wispy white clouds, I could see numerous buds up and down the branches of a mighty oak in the backyard. Although I couldn't easily see it yet, Spring is on the way.
Your Life
What's going on with you? Are you blooming yet or is this a time of quietly laying the foundation for the future. Some plans take time and some purposes are not quickly realized.
If I could do one thing for you today, I'd like to reassure you that your Spring is coming too. For everything, there is a season and God is using this time to birth a new blessing in your life. Hang in there. Keep working hard at preparing for your dreams to come true. Get ready because the time of fulfillment may be just around the corner. Once things start to unfold, you may barely have time to think.
Dear God, help the person reading this short piece to know your love for them today. Help them to catch your excitement for their future. Pour out your Spirit and your blessings on their life right away. Don't defer our hope, but help us to use this time to prepare. We give you thanks for your abundant blessings. Amen!